Skills in Mobile Legends ~ MLBB GUIDE

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Skills in Mobile Legends

In Every match, there is what they call Battle spells. Besides the heroes’ skills, battle spells have a great role in helping the heroes in every match. Mastering the Battle spells make every hero stronger.

These are some of the skills that are used in Mobile Legends.

1. Execute- This battle spell is commonly used by carry roles and semi- carry roles. Execute battle spell has a cool down of 90 seconds. This battle spell deals 200(+20 Hero Level) and 10% of enemy’s lost HP points of true damage to the designated enemy (scales with levels). The damage ignores the shield effect and if the target is slain by execute, it’s cool down reduce by 40%.

2. Retribution- This battle spell is recommended to heroes that are going off lanes to jungle such as the carry roles. This is not recommended for tanks and supports for these heroes do not need too much farming. The retribution battle spell deals 540 (+60 Hero Level) points of True Damage to nearby creeps or minions (damage increases with level). Passive: When carrying Jungling Equipment Items, decrease the damage taken from creeps by 40% permanently.

3. Inspire- This battle spell is recommended for marksmen and fighters for this battle spell are great in carry roles. This is better in attacking turrets to speed up their attack and movement speed. The damage effect and the speed of the hero increase when using this spell. When activated, the next 8 basic attacks will ignore 8(+1 Hero Level) Physical Defense ( increases with the hero’s level) and increase your hero’s attack speed by 55%. This battle spell lasts 5 seconds.

4. Sprint- This battle spell is recommended for heroes that want to increase their movement speed so that the enemy will have difficulties in chasing them. Cool down is 100 seconds. This battle spell increases movement speed by 40% for 8 seconds. After using sprint, the hero then reduces time controlled and gains immunity against slowing effect for 2 seconds.

5. Revitalize- This battle spell is recommended for support and tank heroes. This summons a Healing spring, where allies within the area of effect restore 2.5% of their Max HP every 0.5 seconds, and enhanced the shield and HP regen effect they receive by 25% (the enhancement is not stackable). It lasts 5 seconds.

6. Aegis- This battle spell is recommended for tank heroes. It has a cool down of 90 seconds. This immediately generates a shield that absorbs 670(+50 Hero Level) points of damage (scales with hero level). Lasts 3 seconds. The nearby allied hero with the lowest HP also gains a 50% shield.

7. Petrify- This battle spell is recommended for mages. It has a cool down of 90 seconds. This battle spell deals 100(+15 hero level) Magic damage to surrounding enemies (increases with level) and petrifies targets for 0.8 seconds.

8. Purify- This battle spell is recommended for fighters. It has a cool down of 90 seconds. This battle spell immediately removes all DEBUFFs. Gains immunity against Control Effects for 1.2seconds and increases Movement Speed by 30%.

9. Flameshot- This battle spell is recommended for carry and semi-carry roles. When using this shot in front of the direction of the enemy and minions, it will knock back the opponent. It has cool down of 50 seconds. This spell is dealing 160( +45% Total Magic Power) -640 (+180% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage ( scales with the range) to the enemies hit and slowing them down by 30% for 0.5 seconds.

10. Flicker- This teleports a hero in an instant from one direction to another. It has a cool down of 120 seconds. For 1 seconds after the teleport ,increase 5 (+1 Hero Level) points of Physical and Magic Defense.

11. Arrival- This battle spell help protect the allied turrets which includes the destroyed ones or the minions. It has a cool down of 75 seconds. After chanting for 3 seconds, the battle spell eventually increases the movement speed by 60% for 3 seconds (decays with the time). Meanwhile, enhances the next basic attack, dealing extra 100 (+10 Hero Level) True Damage and slowing the Target hit by 45% for 1 second.

12. Vengeance- This is the newest battle spell in mobile legends. It has a cool down.

Resources: Mobile Legends Bang Bang battle spells


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