Playing online games is quite difficult most especially when you are new to the game. You need to familiarize yourself with the characters, the quests and how you will play the game but in time, you will just linger around the corner and realize that little by little you are already a pro. Playing does not improve that much without watching tutorials, practicing and making your own techniques.
Gamers learn from Team plays
Gamers need to have discipline in playing. Every gamer will need to accept that loosing is also part of the game for you will not always win, there are times that you could also have consecutive lose streaks.
When you are a team, and that happened to you, it is better that you will take time to talk about it with your team members. Talk about every detail, every strategy, every skill and every role on how you will counter attack the enemy.
Avoid team fights
Refuse from saying offensive words to your colleagues, acting rude could lead to misunderstanding and team quarrels so avoid blaming each other when playing, but encourage them to do better.
Be flexible
During the game most especially 5v5 game modes, you should know how to adjust heroes. There are more chances in winning when a team have a tank, support, semi-carry and a carry hero for every game. Learn to adjust if your team mates only know how to use a certain hero. If you could play a different role, then give them a chance.
Do not practice in Rank modes
Practicing and experimenting with your equipment builds in A.I. or classic mode will not affect your stars in rank when you lose a match. If you want a better game statistics, only practice your new heroes in VS A.I. modes.
Check your equipment builds when playing it is important to know your role and check your enemy’s item build. It could help you counter attack their damages that could affect your hero.
Upgrade Emblem sets
Upgrade the emblems of your most played roles. If you use fighter heroes, then give more focus on buying emblems when the fighter emblem is featured in the emblem shop to upgrade it.
To be faster and to be stronger than the enemy.
Refuse playing alone in rank modes
If you have a team, play with them whenever they are available. When you’re playing in rank modes alone, you could match up with different players that is not in your favor, which could lead to loosing stars.
Do not play when you are compromised
In terms of signal and works, do not play the game when you have a slow internet connection or if you are multitasking. That will also affect your match. You could also compromise your team as well.
Always remember that an effective team play needs flexibility, cooperation,hardwork and patience to win in every match.
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