Leomord is one of the heroes in MLBB that can deal tons of damage considering he has no mana, so he can spam his abilities all he wants. He can deal a lot of damage in an early game that's why he deserves to be called a favourite.
This is how to properly use Leomord to dominate his enemies and win matches.
Here are the skills stated by Moontoon or MLBB:
Leomord Skill sets
Passive- the oath keeper
If target HP is low than 30%, Leomord deals critical damage
Note: It deals critical strike on enemies with low health. So to make sure to use it wisely, do not be afraid to engage in fight if both of you are in low health.
First skill: Momentum
Leomord immediately gains a shield and can charge his attack. Leomord then deals +360 physical damage and include 140% total physical attack. This skill can slow the enemy 60% within the damage area. The longer Leomord charges this skill, the higher its damage.
Note: This is the main skill of Leomord it used to spam or poke the enemies plus it gives a shield which gives advantage when enemies respond to the attack.
Second skill: Decimation Assault
Leomord quickly travels in a square 300 physical damage which includes 50% total physical attack to enemies near his path and destination and slow enemy 50%.
Note: This can be used both in engaging fights and escape mechanism. You can use flicker but make sure you use it properly not recklessly dashing in the middle of team fights.
Ultimate Phantom Steed
Leomord summons Barbiel and it rushes into the battlefield and knock back all enemies in its way. Barbiel deals 350 physical damage which includes 100% total physical attack to enemy and slowing enemy 50%. If Barbiel comes in contact with Leomord, they will in state a mounted mode. While in mounted mode, Leomord gains a whole new set of skills. Leomord can use basic attacks within a circular area even while moving. Leomord increases his movement speed and physical or magical defense of 30 points.
Note: Leomord’s ultimate enhances his movement speed and attack range. It gives him a 360 attack range so make good use of it. Likewise, Leomord can attack while moving. Another good thing is Leomord doesn't need to dash in the middle of team fights. Barbiels rush infront of him and can cancel some of the abilities of the enemy. ( i.e oddettes ultimate ) so make good use of it.
Phantom Stomp
Barbiel leaps forward dealing 300 physical damage include 120% total physical attack to enemy units in the area where he lands slowing enemy 60%.
Note: Gives you a lot of damage with a wide range and can slow enemies it’s one of Leomords burst damage in mounted form.
Phantom Charge
Barbiel charges forward and knock back all enemies in the lane. Deals 300 physical damage include 50% total physical attack
Note: This is a very helpful skill for you can drag your enemies along with you but I suggest pushing them towards your allies not away from them.
Best item set for Leomord
Warrior Boots, Bloodlux axe, Blade of Despair, Endless Battle, Queen’s Wing, Brute Force Breastplate
Tips and Tricks
You will need a good positioning when using Leomords’ ultimate especially when enemy in clash have cc’s or enemies like Oddette, Minotaur and etc.
In engaging fights make sure to utilize all his skills before mounting Barbiel to deal more damage and to easily burst your enemy with your 5 skill set.
In a mounted form, it will give you an additional movement speed so you can easily catch your escaping enemies plus you can use it to engage fights like going behind the enemy and pushing them towards your enemy, you can also use his phantom stomp it will slow enemies so you can go behind then and push them to your allies for secure kill. Remember you have 5 skills so you have advantage utilize all Leomord’s skills in order to burst down your enemy and dominate the game.
Resource(s): Mobile Legends Bang Bang Skills
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